
Friday, July 2, 2010

Extra! Extra!

Extra Extra!!! Newsies are gonna win! Yep, last was was the Newsies play. Minus the Eminem music, I think it was one of the best plays I have ever seen! Jack Kelly was a beast!!! Probably better than Christian Bale. Seriously, he was amazing.

Tomorrow is the party... Oh my... I'm kinda scared. I feel like someone is going to either die, get cut, be dissatisfied, or mortally wounded in badminton. No, but seriously, this is kinda scary. Lots o' Friends are coming... Well, maybe. At least Mr. C is coming. Little does he know I wrote him something. Hehehehe.... I hope/know he'll like it. Wish me luck, and if you would, pray for me. Why not, right?

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